Women and innovation report presentation

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The Ministry of Science and Innovation presents the first report prepared by the Women, Science and Innovation Observatory (OMCI).


6:30 p.m. Welcome.

Pedro Duque, Minister of Science and Innovation.

18: 40h Results and conclusions of the report “Women and innovation 2020”.

Teresa Riesgo, General Secretariat of Innovation. Ministry of Science and Innovation.

7:00 pm Roundtable discussion.


Antonio Calvo, Scientific journalist.


• Montserrat Calleja, Researcher of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, CSIC.

• Marta Martínez, President of IBM Spain.

• Lina Gálvez, Deputy of the European Parliament.

Source: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.7cf9da9986bcce05b2a420cd223041a0/?vgnextoid=321eacd3abe36610VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD&f1=0&f2=0&today=1583708400000&select=09_2_2020