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9 Articles

Scientists develop a device that differentiates, in a single step and without markers, tumour cells from healthy cells

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Scientists develop a device that differentiates, in a single step and without markers, tumour cells from healthy cells

A CSIC team has designed a method and a device that differentiates, in a single analysis, different cells or particles present in a fluid. The prototype has been tested, and the results have been published and featured on the cover of ACS Sensors. The system has been patented and now the scientific team is looking for companies interested in a license agreement for its commercial exploitation.

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Investigadores del CSIC desarrollan microdispositivos que distinguen las células tumorales de las sanas

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Investigadores del CSIC desarrollan microdispositivos que distinguen las células tumorales de las sanas

La nueva tecnología podría mejorar el diagnóstico de enfermedades como el cáncer y medir la eficacia de fármacos

Publicada 28/1/2020:

Un equipo de investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha desarrollado microdispositivos que permiten distinguir las células tumorales de las células sanas del mismo tejido, lo que podría mejorar el diagnóstico de enfermedades como el cáncer. La nueva tecnología permite medir de manera simultánea las propiedades mecánicas y ópticas de células individuales. Estos dispositivos han sido probados con éxito en células de adenocarcinoma de cáncer de mama y en células similares que no generan tumores. Los resultados, que se publican en la revista ACS Sensors, ya han sido patentados.

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XVII University Awards “Archimedes” of Introduction to Scientific Research

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XVII University Awards “Archimedes” of Introduction to Scientific Research

First Prize in the Area of Experimental, Exact and Environmental Sciences

“Spontaneous Formation of Core-Shell Nanoparticles of Au-SiO2 at the tip of Silicon Nanowires Revealed by Scanning Electron Microscopy at Very Low Voltages”

By Laura Zarraoa Sardón (Autonomous University of Madrid) and supervised by Álvaro San Paulo Hernando , Tenured Scientist at the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology.


The extraordinary imaging power potential of scanning electron microscopy when the electron beam hits the sample with very low energy (<1 keV) has been known for decades. However, only the latest generation instruments reach ultra high resolution (<1 nm) under these conditions. In this work, the structure of the tip os Si nanowires grown via the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism is investigated by applying this technique. We have discovered the spontaneous formation of gold-silica core-shell structures at the tip of the nanowires, demonstrating the exceptional potential of this technique for the study of low dimensional nanostructures.

Talk about Liquidmass project for fifth and sixth grade students

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Talk about Liquidmass project for fifth and sixth grade students

Talk of Montserrat Calleja directed to students of fifth and sixth grade of primary school. This talk is part of the project “Scientists count” funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and coordinated by the CSIC Delegation to the European Union, which in turn co-finances the General CSIC Foundation and the support of the European Research Council (ERC).

At CEIP Carmen Iglesias

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At CEIP Carmen Iglesias

Montserrat Calleja has visited students at CEIP Carmen Iglesias to explain the basic concepts in physics and electrochemistry, at the core of Liquidmass ideas, and to give them a vision of the present and future work in Liquidmass.

Esta tarde en ‪#6Primaria hemos tenido un Taller de Ciencia muy especial “El origen de los átomos y del Universo” además la mamá de Mónica nos enseña como encender una bombilla solo con limones, mandarinas y patatas. Gracias Montse!! ‪#TodosSomosEscuela ‪#TresCantos